
My time at Duke was an incredible journey.  Coming to North Carolina from a small town in New Mexico was an exciting leap, and studying abroad in Paris during the fall of my junior year was a period of incredible growth and increased self-reliance.  However, the challenges I faced during my six weeks working with WISER in Kenya the summer before junior year were perhaps an even more crucial part of forming me into the person I am today (www.wisergirls.org).  Without the help of the Baldwin Scholars, my experience in Kenya would not have been possible.

More than anything else, my time at Duke taught me that life is about creating your own opportunties and leveraging your talents to achieve your dreams.  After graduating with a degree in International Comparative Studies and a Certificate of Global Health, I moved to New York City with no idea what I was going to do or how it would all work out.  A large part of my ability to take this leap of faith is owed to the confidence I gained from being a Baldwin.  I am so thankful to have the Baldwin support network behind me.

Here in New York, I have created a life for myself.  After working in non-profit communications for eight months, I decided to make a change and pursue my passion for food writing. I started a blog, which is now defunct (www.withoutamicrowave.wordpress.com), and took on various internships: editorial assitant at SAVEUR magazine, cookbook intern for The Amateur Gourmet, and PR intern at Bullfrog and Baum.

Following my stint of unpaid work, I went to work as the assistant to Gabrielle Hamilton, chef and owner of Prune restaurant. In my four years with Gabrielle, my role continued to grow and expand. I did everything from fielding media inquiries and handling Gabrielle's schedule to managing shifts at the restaurant, coordinating large-scale projects, and assisting in development of Prune cookbook.

After four years as a personal assistant, it became clear it was time for me to pursue a dream of my own. I am now moving into the space of intuitive business coaching. I am excited about the challenge and opportunity that faces me in building my own business, and I am very much looking forward to this next exciting chapter of my life.