Hi, my name is Sydney Okeke, and I am so honored to be a Baldwin Scholar!
I am from Norristown, Pennsylvania, and I came to Duke from an all-girls high school. I share that because my high school experience both shaped me into the woman I am today and led me to the Baldwin Scholars program.
During my high school experience, I participated in “Women as Founders,” our school’s senior leadership program. I was a part of a cohort of seven determined young women, and we worked together to create positive changes to our community. The most significant thing that I learned is how important it is to have a community that is always there to empower you. For me, it is my community that keeps me going when life gets tough. Similarly, the Baldwin Scholars program focuses on fostering a strong community of empowered women. Within my first couple of weeks at Duke, I was able to see how strong the Baldwin community is, and I knew I would feel right at home in this program.
I am incredibly excited to join this community and see all the beautiful things that will come out of from my time as a Baldwin Scholar.