
My name is Sarah Urdahl and I am a class of 2016 Baldwin Scholar. Saying that statement will never get old! I am so lucky to have been chosen to be a part of this community of leaders and successful women. Who knows where I will go in life with all of these amazing people as my support system!

Lucky for me, this will be my second women’s group on campus to which I belong. I am a member of the Varsity Duke Women’s Field Hockey team. I have 18 teammates who encourage me to excel just as I know my fellow 17 Baldwin classmates will do the same. I am so lucky to be a part of such a prestigious athletic program and I’m hoping my team and I can bring a National Championship home to Duke during my tenure here. I love playing field hockey and I hope to become an outstanding player that can lead my team to achieve our goals. The simple joy of putting on my #10 jersey with “Duke” across my chest pushes me to be the best athlete I can be.

While I have athletic goals, I have just as many academic goals. I hope to major in Mechanical Engineering with a certificate in Aerospace. After taking an Astronomy course on a whim my senior year of high school, I fell in love with space. Growing up in Houston, Texas with NASA so close to home put the idea of astronauts and spaceships on my radar, but it wasn’t until after I took an in-depth class on the subject that I fell in love with it. In addition to my pursuit of a career in engineering related to space travel, I hope to minor in French and live in Paris one day. I lived in Paris as a young child for two years and would love to end up there again. Engineering and French, what an exciting mix!

Besides being a full time student-athlete, I do enjoy other activities. I played lacrosse and basketball in high school and never shy away from a pick up game. I help out with the Varsity Duke Women’s Basketball team during their games, updating Twitter and Facebook pages, bringing stats to the locker rooms, managing the scoreboard, and recording quotes during press conferences. I have three younger brothers, Matthew, Michael, and William, who entertain me to no end and are growing up way too fast. I love being a student here at Duke University and hope to make the Baldwin Scholar program proud!