Hi! My name is Samantha Siegel, but everyone calls me Sammi. I’ll be graduating (way too soon!) with a major in Computer Science and a minor in Mathematics. I’m originally from Montclair, New Jersey, but I’ll be moving to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania next year to start my job as a Software Engineer at Duolingo. I’m incredibly grateful to be a part of the Baldwin Scholars program, and to be in the company of so many amazing women.
At Duke, I dedicate most of my time to advocating for women in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). I’m the Program Director for Females Excelling More in Math, Engineering, and Science (FEMMES), an educational outreach organization that aims to inspire elementary school girls to pursue their passions for STEM fields. I have also served as a Community Building & Organizing intern at the Duke Women’s Center for the past four years, where I organize events to connect and support women in STEM on campus. In addition, I’m very passionate about outdoor recreation, and have served as a backpacking trip leader for Project WILD.
In my free time, you can find me biking around Durham, drawing in Vondy, and trying every coffee shop in the Triangle area.
Feel free to contact me at sammi.siegel@duke.edu