Hello! My name is Nabrissa, and I am from England. Coming to Duke was my first time visiting the States and I’ve loved every second. I’m not yet sure how great of a reflection Durham is of the entire US but the people I’ve met here and the experiences I’ve had so far have already led me to consider this place a second home!!
I was born in Camden and shortly moved to a town in outer London with my family of six. My three brothers have been a major part of my life and have largely impacted the person I am today particularly in regards to my ambition and morals. I am very close with my twin brother who it seems I can never get through an essay (or conversation) about myself without mentioning. Whilst he took the genes for maths and incredible logical reasoning I inherited a passion for writing and verbal reasoning.
My mother is originally from Sweden and my dad is from Ghana so I really feel as though I have been able to experience the best of both worlds of two very different cultures. Cultural differences and similarities, big and small, really interest me and are one of the many things I am excited to explore with my fellow Baldwins.
In my spare time I love to practice my vegan baking skills, experiment with photography and do just about anything else that exercises the creative part of my brain. I am huge music lover and as well as singing and playing a bit of guitar, one of my favourite things to do back home was to go and see live music. As a young girl I dreamed of taking ballet classes however with my three brothers already enrolled in martial arts that dream was pretty short lived. Instead, I trained and competed in Ju-jitsu for 12 years and fell in love with the sport.
What I want my life to look like after my four years here at Duke I do not yet know. However, I am very sure of three things: I hope to be happy, to be successful, and to positively impact others with the path I decide to pursue. I am so excited to be a Blue Devil but even more so a Baldwin Scholar, amongst some of the most ambitious and fierce female identifying students in the school community.