My name is Mayra Navarro, and I was born and raised in the friendly tundra known as Green Bay, Wisconsin (Go Packers).
I am a pre-med student at Duke (major TBD). I look forward to blending my love for science and working closely with others in my future career as a physician. I am particularly interested in women’s health and advocating for things like healthcare access, positive body image, and comprehensive sex education. Currently, I am a volunteer for Planned Parenthood and working towards becoming a certified doula (a person who provides physical and emotional support during labor). I love discussing these issues and many others like them with the people around me who want to learn more.
When I’m not doing school work, you can find me reading, writing, or watching a movie. I think all three are incredible forms of storytelling, and I am constantly inspired by all three mediums. My favorite book is Jane Eyre (I’ve read it seven times). My favorite work that I have written and published is called “Hot Crocs,” which is a short essay about the feminist paradoxes of the lingerie industry. My favorite film is a tie between Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill Vol II and Fargo.
I am very excited to be a Baldwin Scholar and to continue to grow through the program and my time here at Duke!