
Being a part of the Baldwin scholars community is an absolutley and positivley wonderful experience. Every day I have the incredible opportunity to interact with a group of women who are ambitious and compassionate drivers of change. The other Baldiwn scholars help me to keep things in persepctive, expose me to opportunities which widen my horizions, and push me to be the best that I can be. Joining this tight knight group is one of the best decisions I have made during my time at Duke.

As far as the school stuff goes, I am double majoring in Public Policy and History with a minor in Education. I am entirely unsure of what I want to do in my future and am just going to see where the waves of life take me. I am passionate though about creating positive social change especially within the realm of education and so I could see myself taking this sort of trajectory.  

Outside of the classroom, my interests are abundant. I am a an avid runner, but I love any type of physical activity. Moreover, I am a very active member of the Team Kenan Institue for Ethics' Team Kenan. One of my biggest commitments is to the Duke Dance Marathon executive board. Duke Dance Marathon is the largest philinthropic group on Duke's campus! I am also a Duke Colloquim Fellow, a part of Business Oriented Women, a member of a sorrority, and a writer for both Passport and Encompass magazines. I have participated in Duke Engage Dublin and Duke Immerse South Africa. This upcoming semester I will be studying abroad in Prague! Hence, it's safe to say that I am very involved in Duke student life and am LOVING every minute of it.

So while my experience at Duke is already everything I could have dreamed for it to be (stimulating, enriching, eye-opening) I think it will only improve with the years to come. I am honored to be embarking on my college jouney surrounded by such a supportive, inspring group of young ladies.

Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions, or just to talk! I would love to hear from you! My email is gcp7@duke.edu.