
Faculty Director

Profession: Nannerl O. Keohane University Professor, Department of Psychology & Neuroscience

Education: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; PhD in clinical psychology from University of Southern California. I’m a first generation college student.

Hometown: Level Cross, North Carolina  (home of Richard Petty, king of NASCAR)

Last Great Book I read: I enjoyed Emily St. John Mandel’s novels. “Sea of Tranquility” is about time travel back to pandemics and forward to living in colonies on the moon. “Station Eleven” is about young survivors of the apocalypse, who perform Shakespeare’s plays because “survival is not enough.”  I just read “Portrait of a Thief” which is great fun because the author is Duke student Grace Li, and her book has just been bought by Netflix.

Favorite Movie: Blade Runner is number 1, but I love action movies: The Terminator, Indiana Jones, Mad Max Road Warrior, Mission Impossible, 007, Die Hard.

Family: husband Avshalom Caspi, also a Duke psychology professor

Hobbies: Reading and travel, especially travel involving nature and camping.

Favorite Vacation Spot: Central Otago, New Zealand

Person I admire: My grandmother, Edith Macon, who said she was a farmer, not a farmer’s wife. And Winnie the Pooh. Curiously, I seem to quote Pooh frequently.