The Reverend Andrea Wigodsky is an ordained Episcopal priest and serves as the Chaplain for St. Mary's School in Raleigh. She received a B.A. in psychology from Duke University in 2000. At Duke, she was a First-Year Advisory Counselor (FAC) her sophomore year and participated in the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, Outdoors Club, and the Duke Democrats. She was also very active at the Episcopal Center at Duke and served in a variety of leadership positions and participated in the Chapel-sponsored work team trip to Honduras.
Wigodsky graduated from Yale/Berkeley Divinity School in 2005 with a certificate in religious studies and a Master's of Divinity, earning a Certificate of Anglican Studies and the John Wade Preaching Award.
About her career, Wigodsky reflects, "I chose to pursue a career based on what I am passionate about. It is not the most lucrative financially, and it isn't particularly 'cool!' But I will always have what I need, and I love what I do."
She credits Miss Dolly, the woman who founded and ran her summer camp for fifty years, as being an important mentor. “She taught me (and all of her campers) to value the many blessings in our lives and to strive to love and serve others in response. She also taught us the importance of being kind to others, even and especially those who are different than ourselves.”
She advises first-year women at Duke to be open to the many possibilities that are available to them. "Frederick Buechner, an author on spirituality and vocation, said that our calling is the place where our deepest joy and the world's greatest need intersect. You may be surprised about where that is!"